Principles for the development of forest management plan, Neuchâtel

This document defines the minimal content of a forest management plan in Neuchâtel, Switzerland.

ContenuPG NE

PatuBois: Integrated management of agro-silvo-landscapes of Jura

This document (to which I haven't contributed) defines basic principles of an integrated management of "wooded pastures", a traditional form combining livestock and forests in the Canton of Neuchâtel.

annexe12 patubois

Site- and watershed-level assessment of nutrient dynamics under shifting cultivation in eastern Madagascar

This "old" paper, the first coming from our Madagascar experience, illustrates carbon and nutrient processes - in soild and vegetatio - in a slash and burn area of the Eastern esscarpment of Madagascar. Pathways for a more sustainable resource management of the whole resoruce sytsem are discussed.


NTFPs, non timber forest products: not to underestimate, even in Europe

This report lauched by Intercooperation (now affiliated to Helvetas) arose from the gathering of several NTFP specialists. As foe wood, the use of NTFP needs a thorough understanding of the sustainability of harvests and effective supply chains.

pfundrobinson ntfp




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