Forests and CO2 : a vital process with a complex monitoring

Paper developed by Nele Rogiers, FOEN specialist of CO2 inventories.

Laforet 0620


Forest-Water processes

"Forests (and their soils) filter and purify water". This assumption is basically certainly correct, but biological processes are complex and, as often, dependent on forest composition and local ecological conditions. This scheme, still under development, illlustrates forest-water interactions with a focus on nitrogen, which can form a problem in Switzerland.

Schema eau foret

Understanding and Integrating Local Perceptions of Trees and Forests into Incentives for Sustainable Landscape Management

A personal example of thoughts related to better considering local perceptions in resource management. 



Public perceptions of forestry and the forest-based bioeconomy in the European Union

Public perceptions of forests and their management are evolving. They have an increased significance for forest planning and the management of forest services. Results of a recent EFI survey.



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Forests & Sustainable development



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